Deep carpet cleaning in Fountain Valley, California.

This carpet cleaning in Fountain Valley, California, did not happen in the first time we got there. The reason is that originally we had scheduled a carpet cleaning service for this Fountain Valley home in the later after noon hours. However, once we arrived to the location, we discovered a carpet in bad shape. Once we had gone over the details with the customer, we decided to push the cleaning a few days ahead in order to get to it first thing in the morning. Therefore, when we arrived for our carpet cleaning in Fountain Valley today, it was the second time around. Origianlly when we got there around 4pm, we saw a carpet that would take anywhere from 3-4 hours of work. Therefore, the customer did not want to drag the cleaning into the night and we chose a different day.

Carpet cleaning in Fountain Valley, California, for a thick plush carpet.

Yes, the type of carpet you have at home really make a difference. The difficulty level of cleaning is not only determined by the condition of the carpet, but also the type of carpet. Therefore, with a thick plush carpet like we faced in Fountain Valley, it took much more of our formula and steam in order to deeply penetrate all the layers. This ultimately made the job much harder and it took us 3.5 hours.

Best carpet cleaning in Fountain Valley, California.

After we were done, the customer had really appreciated the work we had put into it. Also, the customer has said that in his opiniion we are the best carpet cleaners in Fountain Valley. Hearing kind words like that really help us push forward and keep trying our hardest with each and every home we go into. We truly appreciate our customers and take our work very serious. For more information about our carpet cleaning in Fountain Valley, California, please contact Dr. Carpet Costa Mesa.